Stories of Hope – Estes Park

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TCRM has seen many success stories in our eight years of being in business. Together with our clients, we have enjoyed the fruits of a relatively stable hotel business climate. Occupancies and ADRs had improved year after year.

It’s no secret that in the wake of COVID-19, the entire hotel industry saw dropping business levels, including those of our clients. Some of those clients had to temporarily close their hotels. Others held on and stayed open, making the best of whatever demand existed.

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Hospitality Strong

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Habits can be hard to break – some being harder than others. Lately, breaking the habit of shaking someone’s hand has been extremely challenging for me. My habit of greeting friends or new acquaintances with a handshake goes back decades and is as ingrained as saying hello.

But in the era of the worldwide spread of COVID-19, we’re being advised by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to avoid shaking hands and other greetings – both formal and informal.

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Habits can be hard to break – some being harder than others. Lately, breaking the habit of shaking someone’s hand has been extremely challenging for me. My habit of greeting friends or new acquaintances with a handshake goes back decades and is as ingrained as saying hello.

But in the era of the worldwide spread of COVID-19, we’re being advised by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to avoid shaking hands and other greetings – both formal and informal.

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Now that cities and states are starting to reopen, we are energized by the resiliency of the hotel industry and the strength of pent-up demand from the leisure market. Although nowhere close to the occupancies and ADRs that we enjoyed a year ago, eight consecutive weeks of occupancy growth since hitting rock bottom the first week in April generates excitement and hope.

Since the Memorial Day weekend and the reopening of Rocky Mountain National Park, one of our clients has seen demand increasing week-over-week. The Coyote Mountain Lodge and Discovery Lodge are seeing a resurgence in demand now that stay-at-home orders were lifted in Colorado.

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Easy to See Why

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  • These properties are located in beautiful Estes Park, in the expansive Rocky Mountain National Park.
  • The wide-open spaces lend themselves to social distancing.
  • The great outdoors and natural wildlife are a perfect backdrop for escaping the hustle and bustle of the nearby cities of Fort Collins, Boulder, and Denver.
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While returning demand is part of the story, the strategies we are developing and implementing for the properties are helping these lodges capitalize. We used A/B testing of different marketing messages in our CPC ads to determine the best messaging during the age of COVID-19 and saw stunning results. Our pricing strategies are helping the lodges keep their ADRs relatively close to last year’s actuals, helping improve profitability with less occupancy. 

As the summer approaches, we anticipate that the hotel industry will continue to see improved occupancy results, with leisure demand leading. As the world continues to adapt to safety protocols meant to minimize the spread of COVID-19, we should begin to see business travel and the group and meetings segment return as well.

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Executive Director of Client Success

David Beaulieu is the Executive Director of Client Success at Total Customized Revenue Management (TCRM), the premier provider of a wide array of Revenue Management services.  In this role, David is responsible for developing client relationships that promote retention and loyalty for TCRM by ensuring the smooth onboarding, activation, and offboarding of services for TCRM’s clients through the entire lifecycle of their contracts.  Prior to this role, David served as Director of Client Services for TCRM, where he was responsible for leading TCRM’s branded revenue management services.

Having spent over 23 years in hotel revenue management, David has developed a strong set of skills with respected full-service brands in many markets.  A successful leader and team builder in revenue management, David utilizes these skills to ensure TCRM’s clients are well served and generating strong performance results.

David began his career in hospitality with Hilton Hotels Corporation (Now Hilton Worldwide) and spent 11 years moving through a progression of roles and assignments.  He has also worked at Loews Hotels & Resorts, as well as two award-winning third-party management companies, Davidson Hotels & Resorts and Crescent Hotels & Resorts. David is a four-year veteran of the U.S. Air Force and holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Columbus University.

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